Measure the circumference of your wrist in cm:
Keep the 4 fingers together than measure 1 time around over the hand the size in cm.
Do not measure with the thumb closed to the fingers.
S wrist circumference 15,5 up to 16,5
M wrist circumference 16,5 up to 18 cm
L/XL wrist circumference 18 up to 20 cm
Mention your wrist circumference in cm onto the order placed.
Wash dark colors separately
No dryer drying
Manufacturer Info
Product Information and Safety (GPSR)
Manufacturer Address: 1217 South 1480 West, Orem, Utah 84058, United States
Manufacturer Phone: +1 801-225-3997
Manufacturer Email:
Country of Origin: Made in China
Importer within the European Union
Name: Johannes Wilhelmus Lodewijk FronikCompany: Play Trend
Address: Schmelendriss 41, 47559 Kranenburg, Germany
Phone: +49 2821 7749999
VAT Number: DE195510931
Demon products you buy from us are guaranteed against defects in materials and or manufacturing 1 year from date of purchase.
WARRANTY excluded:
Damage due to improper use, normal wear and defects that affect the value or usability of the device only slightly. The use of other than original parts void the warranty of Demon.
What to do in case of warranty:
Keep the invoice, date of purchase, your name and / or name of the buyer ready and e-mail or call us, see contact information.
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